I wrote a poem, inspired by this blog, have fun:
"Blood" (its not gory, don't worry)
I fight to live
I fight to love,
I fight because
There's nothing else.
they took my life,
they stole my soul,
they said, instead
to worship stone,
Steel and gold.
truth now, truth is hard,
and I am tired, drained & scarred,
but underneath it all I hear,
just one think above all else,
above all gods and every fool,
I fight to live, to breathe free air.
I fight to stand with pride,
When these others bend in fear.
Above all gods and every fool,
I laugh bc they do not know,
Steel can't replace hearts and souls,
One day perhaps they'll learn
Just how loud the truth can be,
the meaning of Respect; Integrity.
I fight because it's in my blood,
I fight to break Darkness into Light.
I'll find a way to break the lies,
I'll find a way to mend the scars,
And no matter how many times you break,
I'll find a way to bring you back.
Perhaps I do love life too much,
I am human, I could be wrong...
I dare you though, to find a God,
who can match this Will of mine.
Heartbeat says I'm still alive,
Breathe the air, it's sweet and free.
(best read with some kind of epic tune in the background - i recommend 2 steps from hell, or something like it)
Dedicated to the days when everything impossible but somehow you find a way